Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Foods for student celebrations and rewards often include unhealthy choices such as donuts, candy, cookies, pizza and soda. While there is nothing wrong with an occasional treat, unhealthy foods are often the norm rather than the exception. Student rewards and celebrations often include foods that are low in nutrients and high in fat, added sugars and sodium. Our School Board’s Wellness Policy and Procedures 8510  were recently updated to comply with USDA Local School Wellness Policy requirements and celebration and/or reward food items must now meet USDA Smart Snack Standards and be prepared in a commercial kitchen. We strongly encourage the use of non-food items, however the cafeteria has a variety of Smart Snack compliant products available for purchase. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Food Planner provides a link to Smart Snack compliant products available through Amazon as well as a calculator to check your food labels for compliance. Pasco County Schools 8510 Student Wellness Policy Procedures 5.2018